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The Nurse Console is the operating mechanism that initiates the entire process of medical consulting and diagnosis process for the patient at the remote telemedicine Clinic. The consultation process is initiated by a Video consultation session between the Remote Telemedicine Clinic and the consulting physician. The Nurse Console assists the doctor for appropriate and improved diagnosis decision by entering the details like patient demographics, patient's previous medical history, Family History, Drugs being consumed at the time of consultation, in to the patient medical record while creating the same for a new patient or updating the relevant information for an existing medical record. This module provides the Doctors to access the patient past visit details or Patient history and helps the Doctor in better decision making process. This module also helps in facilitating the nurses for capturing the patient’s vitals like BP, Pulse, Temperature, Weight and height etc., by accessing the Telemedicine Medical devices integrated on to the Telmedicine Clinc Software platform. The nurse can also enter the details like allergies risk, immunization details for the patients. The nurse assists the remote consulting physicians in the complete consultation process and ensures maintenance of the continuity of care, as well as, providing any assistance to the patients in improving their treatment outcomes.
The Nurse console in the Remote Telemedicine Clinic is equipped to register new patients visiting the clinic by entering their demographic details, patient medical history, previous illness and treatment record, family medical history which will be used to create an Electronic Medical Record which can be accessed by a unique Medical Record Number (MRN). The nurse console can also update the Patient's Medical Records during repeat visits.
Remedium Telemedicine's Nurse Console has been designed to assist the Doctor through a Pre-consultation process, which will record all the necessary information needed by the remote consulting doctor for effective diagnosis and treatment plans. The nurse console is equipped with telemed enabled medical devices such as Electronic Stethoscope, Thermometer, BP monitor, Blood Glucose Monitor, ECG recorder, Hemoglobinometer and other related devices to capture clinically relevant Vitals and other medical data.