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World over, there is a decisive shift occurring from curative form of medicare determined by the burden of illness, to the preventive form of healthcare, ultimately leading to wellness as a theme for leading a quality life by an individual, free from the burden of disease to the extent that can be controlled by oneself. Healthcare organizations are very keen on getting into this fast emerging segment of healthcare to provide holistic wellness solutions to individuals. There is an enormous scope for getting in to the health conscious consumer segment for providing wellness and preventive health care solutions, for which Remedium Telemedicine solution is ideally suited.
Remedium Telemedicine framework for Wellness and Preventive care envisages to provide healthcare monitoring solutions for individuals at home, and, at office by a unified electronic medical record and supported by consultation with a care giver through on-line video consultation platform. The service will be augmented by an on-line health information service provided by individual health care providers for the benefit of their subscribers. Remedium Telemedicine platform is ideally suited to deliver Wellness and Preventive Health care service through healthcare organizations to their subscribers.