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The Out-Patient Module of Remedium Hospital Management System is an end-to-end process that starts with the appointment of the patient either over the internet, or, over telephone, or, even as a walk-in patient. Following the appointment scheduled for a specific doctor, for a specified time; the Patient Registration takes place, if it is a new patient. For an existing patient, the patient's MRN can be retrieved to enter the appointment details, following which the Doctor Consultation takes place. The Doctor Consultation takes into account the previous medical history, presenting complaints and disease diagnosis as per the ICD-10 guidelines. The doctor can also refer the patient for further consultation by other doctors as well as recommend Diagnostic Tests, make Radiology orders etc. The Out-Patient module enables the doctor to issue an e-Prescription consisting of the medicines recommended. The ordered medicines are picked up from the database of drugs available on-line to the Doctor. Upon completion of the consultation process, the patient can either get admitted as an In-Patient (or) could get discharged. In both the cases, the completion of the Out-Patient process creates an Electronic Medical Record of the Patient for future use.
Appointment Scheduler is an efficient and user friendly appointments system to book new and follow-up appointments either doctor-wise
Remedium Hospital Management's Outpatient Billing Module handles all kind of complex billing processes. It provides an end-to-end survey
Doctor Consultation serves the entire process of medical consulting and diagnosis process for both In-House Doctor and
The Electronic Medical Record Module is a fully integrated knowledge repository that caters to Medical and Clinical Records of patients
ADT Module forms the core of the in-patient treatment and monitoring functions as it tracks the movement of the patient admitted in a ward