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The Telemed Exchange Server is the bridge between the Remote Telemedicine Clinic and the Telemedicine Consultation Center. The Telemed Exchange server acts as the nerve Center of the End-toEnd Telemedicine Service facility. The Exchange Server acts as a bridge between Nurse Console and Doctor Console and the Telemed Exchange server is a combination of inter-communicating Video Consultation servers and Health Data Exchange servers. The patient's data and his clinical information are stored in Data Server and audio/video consultation data are stored on the Video Consultation Server. Doctor and Nurse can retrieve patient information at any time from any place using this Central Server. Reports are also generated by using the Central Server.
The Video Consultation Server is an integral part of the Telemed exchange server. This server is in communication with the Health data exchange server to provide a seamless video consultation service. This server ensures a glitch-free video consultation between the Remote Telemedicine Clinic and Remote Doctor's consultation provider. The video consultation is the initiator of the consultation process between the Remote Teledicine Center and the Consulting physician.
The Health Data Server is an integral part of the Telemed exchange server, which interacts with the cluster of Video exchange servers. The Health Data and Video consultation servers are always in communication with each other during the consultation process. The Health Data server stores the Electronic Health Records of all the patients, along with the updated vitals data. The health data server also stores the data required to provide analytics support to the Telemedicine Clinics.