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Remedium Hospital Management System’s Appointment Scheduler is an efficient and user friendly appointments system to book new and follow-up appointments. Users can view and schedule appointments, either doctor-wise or clinic-wise. Users can see the available appointment slots and book the appointments accordingly. Thereafter, a Consultation number is generated as soon as the appointment is booked for each patient to have one appointment at a time. The appointment scheduler facilitates rescheduling of appointments of patients. While trying to schedule an appointment, the users can search for the patient through MRN. For each appointment, patient details are captured along with the reason for appointment. The module also captures patient’s visit type information while booking an appointment. Appointment slots are fixed with certain time duration for easy scheduled appointment. Context sensitive alerts are generated while booking an appointment to ensure the users acquire all the relevant information.
Remedium Hospital Management's Appointment Module enables Doctors and front office staff get a customizable Slot table for easy set-up of appointments. It has both calendar view and slot view for easy scheduling and makes it user-friendly and convenient to operate for staff members of hospital. Appointments will automatically display their available time slots. With just one-click, appointments can be fixed and all appointments are displayed with summary preview to doctors. These are easily customizable to display the complete appointment schedules.
Rescheduling is not a complicated task with Remedium Hospital Information Management System's Appointment module. With just one-click on reschedule button, appointments can be rescheduled. Alerts are generated to notify doctors about this reschedule of appointment and the system automatically re-frames the modified schedule of doctors. As soon as an appointment is rescheduled, the original appointment is cancelled automatically. A review of appointments can be done as original appointments and the latest scheduled appointment history will be saved.