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Remedium Software products are built on stable Microsoft Technology Platform for easy maintenance and administration at the customers' end. All the Hospital software solutions have been created on a flexible architecture framework to either install the solution as an on-premise model or as a cloud hosted solution depending upon the customers' requirement. All the products are designed to be modular in nature to facilitate the customers upgrade the solutions as needed by them, instead of taking all the components which they may not use at all in near future. All the products are developed on standards based methodologies, to make them easy to upgrade and maintain. The cloud technology framework takes away the hassles of maintaining servers at the customers' end with necessary personnel to administer the same. This provides a unique opportunity for small hospitals either in urban or semi-urban markets to straight away plan for the HMS implementation in a plug-n-play mode, enabling their resources to focus on healthcare delivery, leaving the back-end Healthcare IT administration to Remedium. Another important advantage of this feature is, as the customers grown in size, as and when they would like to have a complete control over their Healthcare IT administration, they can move from a cloud based solution to an on-premise model. The technology architecture also enables Remedium even to maintain remotely the on-premise servers of customers, where-in they can concentrate on their operational end, leaving the back-end operations to Remedium. The Technology architecture provides for all kinds of scenarios catering to all the demands of the customers at various stages of their business growth.
The Telemedicine Technology solutions are built on Microsoft Stack as well as Android Stack, giving the users the choice of the environment they wish to work in. Remedium uses the best of breed technologies to provide the right kind of solutions demanded by the users to suit their requirements.