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Remedium Pharmacy Management Module is an End-to-End Pharmacy prescription fulfilment solution suitable for independent Pharmacies or Pharmacy chains and Out-patient Pharmacies within a Hospital Set-up. The Pharmacy Management System is Flexible, Easy-to-learn and adapt solution.
Remedium Pharmacy Management Module deals with the everyday activities along with administration process of Pharmacy along with comprehensive method of managing the inventory and dispatching of drugs. Complete database of Pharmacy inventory is done according to the generic molecules. All generics and their respective brands, batch nos., and, expiry dates, used by the hospital are maintained in a database with the relevant commercial terms applicable from time to time. Remedium Pharmacy Management System generates remedial alerts for error free management. The solution also includes pharmacy billing and sales management which eases the overall management of the pharmacy. The Pharmacy Management Solution provides comprehensive view of information in a single screen. The Solution also deals with credit and cash billing of patients, and, is designed for generating outpatient bills also. The Pharmacy Management Software is aligned to other modules in the Hospital Information Management System, such as Doctor Consultation, General Stores and Nursing Station etc. The system is designed to track medication stocks efficiently, with a provision to store patient’s prescriptions, thus helping pharmacists by providing reminders for drug re-fill.
This Modules enables that prescription transmits from doctor or other healthcare provider's computer to the pharmacy's computer electronically through a private, secure, and closed network. This transmission helps pharmacist avoid misinterpretation of prescription and reduces the overall time taken for the transaction. It also makes the refill process easier to track.
Pop-up alerts are generated to notify the pharmacist about expiry of the medication and in addition to this, the system automatically tracks the expiring drugs for pharmacies and sub stores in the wards and all these are displayed in a single screen. This unique and important feature of Pharmacy Module enables avoidance of errors during distribution of medicines to patients.