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A resourceful Hospital Information Management System consists of Patient Registration module, which captures patient information. The system captures and administers the patient information and helps in providing a better and efficient patient care. Patient Registration is done for the patients who visit the hospital for the first time. Registration of patient assigns a unique Medical Record Number (MRN) for each patient. This facilitates patient related information to be linked to a single, unique patient through this registration. This also enables with the information of next-to-kin of patient and pointing of past records to the same patient. It also avoids duplication of patient records. Registration can be done for Out-Patient, In-Patient, Emergency Patients, New Born Babies and Patients who avail Diagnostic Services. While registering a patient, billing information is also captured for both cash and credit patients.
Duplicate patient record is generated when same patient is registered twice with more than one Medical Record Number or MRN. The existence of duplicate records is a major concern for hospital staff for proper identification. Theis can be solved by our Patient Registration Module's unique feature of merging new record and existing record. Duplicate medical records are created by mistake resulting in inaccurate data entry. These duplicates records have negative impacts on registration and billing of patients apart from having an effect on quality of care.
Credit Patients are categorized as either Company sponsored patients or Insurance patients. This module assists us in capturing all credit details of the patient and enables information sharing among Care Providers, Insurance Companies and other third parties or Credit companies. In single screen it manages multiple credit details of patient eventually making it an error free claims process for the patients. With just a check, they can notify whether it is a Credit Company Patient or an Insurance Patient. This module reduces time for staff in registering patients and capturing all important information.