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Manual tracking and indexing of patient medical records is time intensive for staff and results in long wait time for patients, doctors and nurses. A lack of ICD and ICP coding in the hospital has resulted in the hospital's inability to monitor the quality of its procedures as well as manage the diseases seen monthly in the hospital and generate reports required.
Medical Record Module automates the above functions and also maintains a list of people who can access Medical Records. Medical Records module automates indexing and also assists in auditing of medical records of the patients. It makes everything transparent for auditing. It maintains complete information about the patient.
This Module easily tracks important parts of patient's medical record including Medications, Allergies, Conditions, Immunizations, Appointment and much more. Moreover, tracking can also improve the quality in maintaining the medical records. This ultimately helps in auditing of medical records by quality staff and other professionals from outside. It constantly strives to maintain each and every patient medical record in accurate form.
This Module has a feature of chart deficiency monitoring, with which audit people can check the completeness of the records. It measures the physicians and Nurses productivity within just a single screen. If there is any deficiency in the record, it can be sorted by addressing physicians and notifying them quickly. The module easily identify the status of the chart with this monitoring feature.