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Remedium Hospital Management System Cashier module deals with all the cash related transactions carried out throughout the organization. The System can track all the details based on the shift-wise transactional details. In Hospitals, payment is usually received in multiple modes like cash, credit card, Electronics Fund Transfer, Cheque, etc. Cashiers are created and given secure login credentials for safe transactions. The System can capture the amount collected by each cashier, as each cashier is fixed with shift timings through shift codes. Alerts are generated for the exceeding time of the shift of each cashier. Each Cashier can be added and given shift timings in this module. The Cashier can get details of Outpatient, Inpatient and Pharmacy cash details either separately or grouped together. The Cashier can view the Payments and Receipts comprehensively, including Pending and Received cash details, which are viewable in the application. The module also facilitates custom date search to populate each day’s details.
Multiple payment modes are accepted and are displayed in one screen making it a user-friendly system. The cashier with just a click, enables different payment modes. These are useful for patients who can pay amount in any payment mode as convenient to them. The cashier work becomes easier even with multiple payment modes without complicating the process. It captures the details of single and multiple payment modes.
Due amount tracking is a very important function for smooth cash flow in a Hospital, especially, when the payments are received in parts against the dues. Hence, even when amount is authorized by an employee, but, if authorized amount is less than the actual payment amount then it automates due amount which will be displayed in due section and alerts will be generated for this amount. Even for cash or non-cash transactions, this feature is enabled and makes the work smooth for cashier.