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A blood bank is a cache or bank of blood or blood components, gathered as a result of blood donation, stored and preserved for later use in blood transfusions. Blood banks perform testing to determine the blood type of patients and to identify compatible blood components for blood transfusions, along with a battery of tests (e.g. disease) to ensure and enhance quality. Remedium Hospital Management Blood Bank Module provides healthcare providers with an end-to-end work flow management of blood bank. It facilitates registration of Donor and shows balance of blood units in hospital along with automating Blood Collection, Blood Grouping, Antibody screening functions. It tracks blood samples through integration to laboratory module and also stores the list of other blood banks with which the Hospital interacts whenever they need blood supplies. The Blood Bank also captures the Donor details like their vitals, Donor’s consent in a simple Donor registration screen. The Blood Grouping is done securely and provides a bag number for each patient to ensure accuracy.
Remedium Hospital Management System's Blood Banking module provides immediate access to the blood and different blood components; and, traces the full information pertaining to each blood component, whether or not it is currently in storage and also the donor demographic information. The system also tracks blood donor test results and attained components of blood apart from the possible adverse transfusion reactions. It tracks and records the conditions prevalent in the patient after blood transfusion.
Remedium Hospital Management System's Blood Bank Module is seamlessly integrates with other modules like laboratory, Nurse station, Billing etc., for complete functional efficiency. The blood bank module is designed to be user-friendly and makes tracking of all the information related to blood bank, a smooth process. The blood bank module automates the processes of getting information from other departments of hospitals for an efficient operation to ensure highest quality of patient care.